Social Studies » Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions


AP Human Geography – (1 unit) – This course is designed to introduce students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s surface.  Students employ spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human social organization and its environmental consequences.  They also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their science and practice.

Prereq. – Must be enrolled in another Honors Course during same academic year; Grade Levels – 9, 10, 11, 12


World History and Geography - (1 unit) – Students will study modern world history and Enlightenment and Revolutions of the eighteenth century to the present day.  Students will explore geographic influences on history, with attention given to political boundaries that developed with the evolution of nations from 1750 to the present as well as the human geographic issues.

Prereq. - None; Grade Levels – 9, 10, 11, 12


Dual Credit World History – (1 unit) – This statewide dual-credit course provides an academically challenging course that is aligned to post-secondary standards.  Students can earn post-secondary credit if they meet or exceed the established cut score on the challenge exam.  This is a college-level course with learning objectives and a challenge exam that have been developed by faculty groups led by post-secondary faculty.  In this class, students will explore the historical development of people, places, and events from the 1500s to the present.  Students will focus on the development of historical thinking skills using primary courses and other documents.

Prereq. – None; Grade Levels – 10, 11, 12


United States History and Geography - (1 unit) - This survey course covers the period from the Industrial Revolution to the present and geography will be emphasized as preparation for the end-of-course test as mandated by the State of Tennessee.

Prereq. - None; Grade Levels - 11, 12

AP United States History - (1 unit) - A survey course spanning the period from the American Revolution to the present.  Students are prepared to take the advanced placement exam in United States History.  Students are required to complete historical outlines, research projects, and supplementary readings.  

Prereq. – None; Grade Levels - 11, 12


Honors Post-AP United States History - (1 unit) – This course is an option for second term and is highly recommended for students preparing to take the advanced placement exam.  This course is comprised of additional material not presented in the first term AP history class as well as practice of important AP exam test-taking skills.

Prereq. – AP US History; Grade Levels – 11, 12


AP European History - (1 unit) - European civilization from the Renaissance to the present day is studied.  A substantial amount of reading is required to develop the basic techniques of the historian and scholar.  Students are provided with the opportunity to pursue social, cultural, scientific, intellectual, and political developments in Western Civilization.

Prereq. – Recommendation:   Honors Post-AP European History; Grade Levels – 10, 11, 12

Honors Post-AP European History – (1 unit) – This course is an option for second term and is highly recommended for students preparing to take the advanced placement exam.  This course is comprised of additional material not presented in the first term AP history class as well as practice of important AP exam test-taking skills.

Prereq – AP European History; Grade Levels – 10, 11, 12


Economics - (1/2 unit) – In this course, students will study economics, learn about the American free enterprise system and explores the role of citizens, producers, and consumers.  This course is a requirement for graduation.  It will be paired with Government for a full credit.

Prereq. - None; Grade Levels - 12


Personal Finance – (1/2 unit) – This course is designed to inform students how individual choices directly influence occupational goals and future earnings potential.  Real world topics covered will include income, money management, spending and credit, as well as saving and investing.

Prereq. – None; Grade Levels – 12


U.S. Government - (1/2 unit) - This course is a survey of the functions of government, primarily at the National Level, and how the three branches of government interact and affect society.  This course is required for graduation.  It will be paired with Economics for a full credit.

Prereq. - None; Grade Levels - 12


AP US Government and Politics – (1 unit) – This course involves both the study of general concepts used to interpret US politics and the analysis of specific case studies.

Prereq. – None; Grade Levels – 12


Psychology - (1 unit) - A survey course in general psychology that includes units on learning processes, personality theories, behavior patterns, symptoms, causes and treatments of emotional disorders, achieving a wholesome personality, and various problems of adjustment as they affect young people today.

Prereq. - None; Grade Levels - 11, 12

AP Psychology – (1 unit) – The purpose of the AP course in psychology is to introduce the systemic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals.  Included is a consideration of the psychological facts principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology.  Students also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice.

Prereq. – None; Grade Levels – 9, 10, 11, 12